08123690601 ‘97
The meeting started quite late by 14.45 due to the fact
that we could not see the manager who makes arrangement for chairs for us to
sit, hence Maikudi led us in opening prayer while Tope Soladoye read the
minutes of our last minutes. After reading the minutes Henry called our
attention to the fact that in the area titled other issues, Dapo Daramola was
actually the one who spoke on Masai Ujiri’s
visit. After the adoption, Lateef Suberu called for the adoption which
was seconded by Azeez Momodu.
Bukonla and Bola Olanrewaju sent in their apology for
not being able to attend the meeting. We take apology from Kudi though she
called in that she is on her way but maybe due to the rain and hold up she did
not meet us before we dispersed.
The issue of logo of the Alumni was brought up and Dapo
Daramola showed the house the copy of the logo. We looked at it and various
comments were made, Henry suggested that the logo does not have ABU anywhere
on, that since ABU is not the only university having a secondary school named
Demonstration, hence there is a need to signify on our logo which Demonstration’s
Logo it is. Adesina also commented that since our uniform is is navy blue, the
logo should be navy blue in colour but this was countered that green is the
colour of ABU and so we cannot do what is different from our parent (ABU). Dapo
said in branding there is uniformity which we need to adhere to, base on this
we rested the case on that.
On the issue of welfare being included in the
constitution, Bar. Azeez suggested that when writing our constitution, it will
not be appropriate to include a fix amount to be given to members who are celebrating or
being bereave because if we do, if need be in the future, if we do anything
otherwise, it will be against our constitution and this will make us be
changing or adjusting the constitution all the time seeking CAC stamp, this
will be cumbersome and expensive. His suggestion is that we could have an in
house committee which will be saddled with the responsibility to decide what
should be given to anybody as at when due, he further suggested that the
committee might be on yearly basis or reconstituted every year. Dapo further
reminded the house that in our previous meeting we’ve agreed to a token meeting
levy of one thousand naira. On this Adesina further enumerated that the one
thousand is being levied because as it is now, we do not have an annual due to
run the affairs of the Alumni we need to start somewhere and that this token
for now is not by compulsion, for those in the meeting who don’t have up to one
thousand naira, it is not a barrier for attending and also if any one has more
than one thousand naira no problem.
For this year we are trying to draw up programs for that
we have a general direction of where we are going. Segun Daramola encouraged
the house to bring up ideas as per what we could include in the yearly activities.
Already included in this year’s activity is the presentation of scholarship to
the best graduating student in JSS 3 and SS2. This will be awarded on the
school’s speech and prize giving day. We are still open to suggestions. Suggestion
was made by Adesina that we should find out the school fees and date of the
speech and prize giving day.
A letter of appreciation was sent by a member of the
house and was read by Adesina showing his appreciation to the
house for the financial assistance given him last December. Segun enumerated
further on the importance of being a member and also inviting other Demosaites
that we know, as we have many things to gain.
Adesina spoke on his efforts too especially now as it
concern this Abuja chapter, that he will going to Abuja next month and will be
attending their meeting if they agree to have it when he is available and with
a couple of old school mates who had promised him to be there.
Segun further said when one is coming down this
association stands to lift the person up till one becomes balance again, that
one will value # 5000.00 when one is in dire need than one million naira when
one is comfortable.
The newest comer in the house Abdullahi Maikudi was
given the floor to address us. He said he was happy to be part of this meeting
as he had never witnessed an organized one like this before. He promised to
always be in attendance and specifically thanked Adesina and Lateef for
inviting him. He also said should there be a financial need in the house he
should be carried along to contribute his own quota.
Tope spoke on her efforts in trying to convince her
cousin to attend but did promise not to relent. Adesina gave words of
exhortation as the meeting was being rounded up. There was a run down of
pictures of our previous activities so that those who were actually coming for
the first time can see.
Of the money generated-#7,500, #5,000 was handed over to
John Ojuola to help present to Mr. Abdulateef who gave birth to a baby boy recently.
The remaining balance with Adesina, #2,000 was paid into Bola Olanrewaju’s
account for the monthly running of the office while the remaining balance of
#500 has been paid into Kudi’s account being the treasurer.
At exactly 16.15 Maikudi moved a motion for adjournment
which was seconded by Tope.
Closing prayer was said by Temitope Soladoye.
Minutes taken by Adesina O. / Henry G.